· Read the schedule and the exhibitors guidance document which has more detail on the specifics for some classes
· Read them again, it’s easy to miss the detail the first time
· Pick out possible classes to enter when the show schedule comes out and look for any instructions or guidance given if that is relevant to your entries
· Always have a standby just in case
· Check for any special instructions relating to your classes e.g. as grown, leave roots on, show on paper plate
· Don’t bank on specific things in the garden as the weather might dictate your options - keep an open mind and be flexible
· Check plants most days for pests/dead leaves and flowers
· Calculate last pruning dates· Send your entries in early - don't leave it until the last minute
· Enter as many classes as you can - you can always miss some out if the blooms, plants, pots, produce don’t work out
· Cross your fingers and hope for good weather…
Vegetable & Fruit Classes
· Pick, dig up or cut items for your entries, check the number needed and spread out those possibly suitable for each entry to determine those that are similar in size, shape, or length and are matching each other as is relevant to the class – it may not always include the longest or largest e.g. 5 matching runner beans 7 inches in length is preferable to 3 at 9 inches and two at 6 inches or 5 smaller tomatoes are better than 5 matching tomatoes with one missing its calyx
· Check how the vegetable or fruit entry needs to be displayed e.g. as grown, on a plate, directly onto the show table
· Potatoes - lift carefully 10 days before show, taking care not to damage the skins
. Let skins dry before washing and keep in the dark or wrapped in newspaper
. The day before show choose which potatoes are similar size to each other, have no skin damage, are correct for the class e.g. white, red or coloured, are clean and free from blemishes
· Root vegetables e.g. carrots or beetroot, dig carefully keeping tops and roots intact, match sizes, wash clean
. Check if display is on a plate or on the show table without trimming foliage or roots
· Peas- match pod sizes. Holding pods up to a light may show up grubs or damage inside the pod
· Fruit - try to match sizes. Arrange the correct number on plate remembering to remove any spares you brought. Adding a few leaves of the fruit on show may enhance the entry
Flower, Foliage and Plant Classes
· Pot plants - check inside pot diameter is correct to schedule for each entry
. Clean pot well, remove weeds, damaged leaves and spent flowers
· If possible, choose your bloom on the morning of the show and ensure that it is in pristine condition without any blemish or debris/insects lurking in the petals
· Look for flowers that are undamaged, good shape and in perfect condition, not waiting to open or going over
· Plant your containers in advance so they are well established
· There was a preparation table for 2024 to re-align your arrangements & top up water - very useful It will be there for 2025)